October 11, 2010

2010 Fall Educational Seminar and Fundraiser

To celebrate International Babywearing Week, KangaMamas hosted their first Fall Educational Seminar and Fundraiser. The event was a success! Thank you to our wonderful attendees and volunteers.

Held at a local art gallery, AS220, featuring several workshops, a question and answer and a silent auction, our Seminar had a great turnout. We even had several people walk in from the street.

Sarah, of Brown Eyed Photography, was kind enough to document the event. Here are some wonderful pictures.

And some from Amanda of In Due Time.

I'm looking forward to bigger and better things for 2011!


  1. It was a fantastic event. Thank yo SO much Kristen for keeping Kangamamas running and for being such an invaluable resource in our community!

  2. Super photos and lovely blog! I would certainly come to your meetings but for the very large strip of water separating you and me ;) Good luck with everything!

