There can be lots of lingo in everyday use and then you jump on the internet and it skyrockets. It can be hard to translate even if you know what they're talking about. So here is Kristen's Guide to Basic Babywearing Lingo, part 1:
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Ring Slings (RS) - a nice basic yet very versatile carrier that is good for newborn to preschoolers. Comprised of one peice of fabric and two rings, the ring sling is an easy carrier to stash in your diaper bag. Popular brands include: Sakura Bloom (SB), Sleeping Baby Productions (SBP), Maya Wrap, Kalea and Comfy Joey. Some ring slings do come in sizes; the size of ring slings generally relate to the length of the tail. Each manufacturer has different size specifications and they can be found on their website. In my opinion the size if the sling will relate more to height than dress size and personal preference. Someone 5'4" or shorter might want a small; 5'5" to 5'9" a medium; and someone 5'10" or taller a large.
Here I have Brett (2 years, 30 pounds) in a Maya Wrap ring sling lightly padded, size medium. You can see that his knees are higher than his bum and the fabric is pulled up to his armpits. I wrapped the tail of the sling around the rings. The shoulder could be pulled more down my arm.
Here is the back view. The fabric is spread across my back; giving me nice support and it is more comfortable than having it twisted up.
Here is Brett (1 month, 11 pounds) in a Sakura Bloom, double layer silk. The shoulder is pulled nicely down my arm, the fabric is pulled up to his neck for support, Brett is tummy-to-tummy (and asleep), his head is close enough for me to kiss, and I can see his face to monitor his breathing.
Part 2 will concentrate on the basics of mei tais and soft structured carriers. For now, a fun video:
When are posting about mei tais and soft structured carriers?