Babywearing after Abdominal Surgery
by: Amanda Morin
Birth and Postpartum Doula
In my work as a postpartum doula I have been asked about the safety of wearing babies the first few weeks after a cesarean birth. I read, researched and later wound Moby wraps and Sleepy wraps firmly but gently around mothers’ abdomens, being very careful not to bunch fabric over the incision site and rechecking for comfort. I have fitted ladies with pouches and I have watched newborns nestle into their mothers' chests and seen the satisfied smiles of women who are happy that once they get the hang of it, they feel that they have been given a gift. The oft faithful Google was helpful as I scoured websites, blogs and forums seeking tips so that these mothers could safely wear their babies and yet take care of their own healing bodies. There was a wealth of information on baby wearing after cesarean, so when I searched a few years later for advice on baby wearing after other abdominal surgeries, with an older baby, I was disappointed. There was nothing.
In my work as a postpartum doula I have been asked about the safety of wearing babies the first few weeks after a cesarean birth. I read, researched and later wound Moby wraps and Sleepy wraps firmly but gently around mothers’ abdomens, being very careful not to bunch fabric over the incision site and rechecking for comfort. I have fitted ladies with pouches and I have watched newborns nestle into their mothers' chests and seen the satisfied smiles of women who are happy that once they get the hang of it, they feel that they have been given a gift. The oft faithful Google was helpful as I scoured websites, blogs and forums seeking tips so that these mothers could safely wear their babies and yet take care of their own healing bodies. There was a wealth of information on baby wearing after cesarean, so when I searched a few years later for advice on baby wearing after other abdominal surgeries, with an older baby, I was disappointed. There was nothing.
wore my older son from birth until almost three. We used slings, pouches,
wraps, mei tei's and several brands of soft structured carriers. In a pinch he
had occasionally been worn in shawls. Fabrics from all over the globe had kept
my eldest close to me and it was important that I have the chance to bond with
my new baby in a similar way. My journey to become his mother often felt like a
struggle and I wanted the ability to hold him without extra hands to help in
the event something happened or I was feeling weak.
day of my son’s birth began with a small trickle of water.
I called
my Doctor and Doula.
After a
long and sometimes complicated journey to and through this pregnancy this was
"it". I felt great.
confident, womanly - even graceful, though I didn't look it.
I laughed.
I was joyful and proud,
with love.
Fully, no
urge to push.
We waited,
we laughed.
Finally, I
My son
I cried,
and laughed. "He's so pink, he's so pink!"
yet unknown.
I kissed
him over and over.
I wanted
ice water, saag paneer, to pee and to shower. My loving doula held my son so I
could get to the bathroom. I stood and a familiar and terrible heaviness pulled
on my cervix. I remember dread and surrender as the blood poured.
medications, transfusions and procedures later I awoke in the ICU. Five days
later I went home.
For weeks
I bled, more trips to the ER, more meds, doctors, and tests.
months after giving birth I went into the hospital for a repeat D&C and
Novasure ablation, knowing that other measures might be necessary. By this time
I would have done anything to stop the bleeding so I could take care of my
children and once again become active in my own life.
Due to
"profuse uterine bleeding" during surgery and severe damage to my
uterus they called in a second obstetrician and preformed a total abdominal
surgery was intertwined not just with how I saw myself as a woman but also my
feelings of motherhood. For the first five months of my youngest son’s life I
needed regular help in taking care of my family and household. I am forever
grateful for the meals, the open hands and hearts that sustained us, but I
needed to find my feet again as a mother and I thought that finding comfortable
ways to wear him would be not only convenient but essential.
my transition easier was an incredible amount of carriers to try from my own
collection and the KangaMamas lending library. Because there was so little information
available online I asked Kristen, of KangaMamas, and my baby wearing friends
for advice. I started by making sure I was cleared by my surgeon. I had to wait
until 6 weeks after surgery to begin trying to wear him because of his size.
Wearing my abdominal binder helped in the beginning. It ensured no fabric would
irritate my incision that was still very tender and helped me to stand
straighter, which made adjusting the carriers easier.
pouches didn't fit right. I could get my son comfortably in a ring sling
for a few minutes but I felt a lot of pressure around my incision. I also
thought the sling was not a good fit for me at first because he was old enough
to want to sit up and look around but it made me feel unsteady wearing him to
the side. After birth he was not a fan of stretchy wraps but the first three
weeks I could wear him after the hysterectomy he tolerated a Moby well enough
that I was able to snuggle him through quite a few naps. Help from other people
was very important when he started to wiggle and wanted out because I was still
somewhat weak and at about 4 ½ months old he was already quite strong. Lifting
him out was sometimes a strain on my abdomen and my husband became a pro at
lifting him out without his feet hitting my still sore muscles.
All of the mei teis and woven wraps that I tried were very uncomfortable. I wrapped and wrapped and hoped it would work for us but I could not get the hang of it and his bum always slipped out. The wraps may not have been broken in enough, but having the material on my abdomen was very uncomfortable. I had wrapped my older child but never as an infant. I was out of practice and even the motions of tightening and bouncing was a bit painful in the beginning.
Once he was old enough to go on my back and I was spry enough to get him there it all came back. He was comfortable and so was I.I could go to the grocery store, a walk or the park and didn't feel conspicuous. One day while wearing him on my back it just clicked. I felt the moment where it all fit into place and was right. That's what I had always felt before and I had needed to get to that place as a parent again.
The surgery was a year ago now. I have worn him in pouches, ring slings, mei teis, wraps, and many brands of soft structured carriers. Baby wearing has allowed me to not only have free hands but more freedom as a parent. It has given be renewed confidence in my role as a mother. "